Modern Slavery Statement
This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that G.R. Wright & Sons Ltd. has taken and is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.
Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. The company recognises the importance of taking action to combat such activities and has a zero tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within the business or our supply chain.
Our Business
G.R. Wright & Sons Ltd. produces a variety of milled flours together with a range of speciality blends, cake and bread mixes at our three sites located across Essex and Middlesex.
G.R. Wright & Sons Ltd. has a turnover in excess of £50M.
Our Supply Chains
Our supply chains includes the sourcing of raw materials principally related to the manufacture of flours, speciality blends, cake and bread mixes.
Our Policies
We operate a number of internal policies to ensure that we are conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner. These include:
1. Ethnical Trading Policy. This code explains the manner in which we behave as an organisation and how we expect our employees and suppliers to act.
2. Recruitment policy. We operate a robust recruitment policy, including conducting eligibility to work in the UK checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will.
3. Whistleblowing policy. We operate a whistleblowing policy so that all employees know that they can raise concerns about how colleagues are being treated, or practices within our business or supply chain, without fear of reprisals.
Our Suppliers
G.R. Wright & Sons Ltd. operates an approved supplier procedure and maintains an approved supplier list. As part of the due diligence procedures on all key suppliers, prior to granting them approved status, a regular review is conducted on all relevant completed supplier questionnaires, third party certification and audit reports. Also where deemed necessary an online search will be completed to ensure that particular organisation has never been convicted of offenses relating to modern slavery.
In addition to the above, our suppliers are required to have:
1. Taken steps to eradicate modern slavery within their business
2. Hold their own suppliers to account over modern slavery
3. (For UK based suppliers) Pay their employees at least the national minimum wage / national living wage (as appropriate)
4. (For international suppliers) They pay their employees any prevailing minimum wage applicable within their country of operations
We may terminate the contract at any time should any instances of modern slavery come to light
Our Performance Indicators
We will know the effectiveness of the steps that we are taking to ensure that slavery and/or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain, if no reports are received from employees, the public, or law enforcement agencies to indicate that modern slavery practices have been identified.
Statement Approval
This statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 22nd July 2024